Writing a reverse proxy/loadbalancer from the ground up in C, part 1: a trivial single-threaded proxy

Posted on 12 August 2013 in Programming |

This is the first step along my road to building a simple C-based reverse proxy/loadbalancer so that I can understand how nginx / OpenResty works -- more explanation here. It's called rsp, for Really Simple Proxy. This version listens for connections on a particular port, specified on the command line; when one is made it sends the request down to a backend -- another server with an associated port, also specified on the command line -- and sends whatever comes back from the backend back to the person who made the original connection. It can only handle one connection at a time -- while it's handling one, it just queues up others, and it handles them in turn. This will, of course, change later.

I'm posting this in the hope that it might help people who know Python, and some basic C, but want to learn more about how the OS-level networking stuff works. I'm also vaguely hoping that any readers who code in C day to day might take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong :-)

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Writing a reverse proxy/loadbalancer from the ground up in C, part 0: introduction

Posted on 8 August 2013 in Programming |

We're spending a lot of time on nginx configuration at PythonAnywhere. We're a platform-as-a-service, and a lot of people host their websites with us, so it's important that we have a reliable load-balancer to receive all of the incoming web traffic and appropriately distribute it around backend web-server nodes.

nginx is a fantastic, possibly unbeatable tool for this. It's fast, reliable, and lightweight in terms of CPU resources. We're using the OpenResty variant of it, which adds a number of useful modules -- most importantly for us, one for Lua scripting, which means that we can dynamically work out where to send traffic as the hits come in.

It's also quite simple to configure at a basic level. You want all incoming requests for site X to go to backend Y? Just write something like this:

    server {
        server_name X
        listen 80;

        location / {
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_pass Y;

Simple enough. Lua scripting is pretty easy to add -- you just put an extra directive before the proxy_pass that provides some Lua code to run, and then variables you set in the code can be accessed from the proxy_pass.

But there are many more complicated options. worker_connections, tcp_nopush, sendfile, types_hash_max_size... Some are reasonably easy to understand with a certain amount of reading, some are harder.

I'm a big believer that the best way to understand something complex is to try to build your own simple version of it. So, in my copious free time, I'm going to start putting together a simple loadbalancer in C. The aim isn't to rewrite nginx or OpenResty; it's to write enough equivalent functionality that I can better understand what they are really doing under the hood, in the same way as writing a compiler for a toy language gives you a better understanding of how proper compilers work. I'll get a good grasp on some underlying OS concepts that I have only a vague appreciation of now. It's also going to be quite fun coding in C again. I've not really written any since 1997.

Anyway, I'll document the steps I take here on this blog; partly because there's a faint chance that it might be interesting to other experienced Python programmers whose C is rusty or nonexistent and want to get a view under the hood, but mostly because the best way to be sure you really understand it is to try to explain it to other people.

I hope it'll be interesting!

Here's a link to the first post in the series: Writing a reverse proxy/loadbalancer from the ground up in C, part 1: a trivial one-shot proxy.

SNI-based reverse proxying with Go(lang)

Posted on 18 July 2013 in Programming, PythonAnywhere |

Short version for readers who know all about this kind of stuff: we built a simple reverse-proxy server in Go that load-balances HTTP requests using the Hosts header and HTTPS using the SNIs from the client handshake. Backends are selected per-host from sets stored in a redis database. It works pretty well, but we won't be using it because it can't send the originating client IP to the backends when it's handling HTTPS. Code here.

We've been looking at options to load-balance our user's web applications at PythonAnywhere; this post is about something we considered but eventually abandoned; I'm posting it because the code might turn out to be useful to other people.

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How many Python programmers are there in the world?

Posted on 24 June 2013 in Programming, Python, PythonAnywhere |

We've been talking to some people recently who really wanted to know what the potential market size was for PythonAnywhere, our Python Platform-as-a-Service and cloud-based IDE.

There are a bunch of different ways to look at that, but the most obvious starting point is, "how many people are coding Python?" This blog post is an attempt to get some kind of order-of-magnitude number for that.

First things first: Wikipedia has an estimate of 10 million Java developers (though I couldn't find the numbers to back that up on the cited pages) but nothing for Python -- or, indeed, any of the other languages I checked. So nothing there.

A bit of Googling around gets one interesting hit; in this Stack Overflow answer, "Tall Jeff" says that the 2007 version of Learning Python estimated that there were 1 million Python programmers in the world. Using Amazon's "Look inside" feature on the current edition, they still have the same number but for the present day, but let's assume that they were right originally and the number has grown since then. Now, according to the Python wiki, there were 586 people at the 2007 PyCon. According to the front page at PyCon.org, there were 2,500 people at PyCon 2013. So if we take that as a proxy for the growth of the language, we get one guess of the number of Python developers: 4.3 million.

Let's try another metric. Python.org's web statistics are public. Looking at the first five months of this year, and adding up the total downloads, we get:

Month Downloads
Jan 2,584,754
Feb 2,539,177
Mar 3,182,946
Apr 3,199,012
May 2,855,033

Averaging that over a year gives us 34,466,213 downloads per year. It's worth noting that these are overwhelmingly Windows downloads -- most Linux users are going to be using the versions packaged as part of their distro, and (I think, but correct me if I'm wrong) the same is largely going to be the case on the Mac.

So, 34.5 million downloads. There were ten versions of Python released over the last year, so for let's assume that each developer downloaded each version once and once only; that gives us 3.5 million Python programmers on Windows.

What other data points are there? This job site aggregator's blog post suggests using searches for resumes/CVs as a way of getting numbers. Their suggested search for Python would be

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) Python -intitle:jobs -resumes -apply

Being in the UK, where we use "CV" more than we use "resume", I tried this:

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume OR intitle:cv OR inurl:cv) Python -intitle:jobs -resumes -apply

The results were unfortunately completely useless. 338,000 hits but the only actual CV/resume on the first page was Guido van Rossum's -- everything else was about the OpenCV computer vision library, or about resuming things.

So let's scrap that. What else can we do? Well, taking inspiration (and some raw data) from this excellent blog post about estimating the number of Java programmers in the world, we can do this calculation:

  • Programmers in the world: 43,000,000 (see the link above for the calculation)
  • Python developers as per the latest TIOBE ranking: 4.183%, which gives 1,798,690
  • Python developers as per the latest LangPop.com ranking: 7% (taken by an approximate ratio of the Python score to the sum of the scores of all languages), which gives 2,841,410

OK, so there I'm multiplying one very approximate number of programmers by a "percentage" rating that doesn't claim to be a percentage of programmers using a given language. But this ain't rocket science, I can mix and match units if I want.

The good news is, we're in the same order of magnitude; we've got numbers of 1.8 million, 2.8 million, 3.5 million, and 4.3 million. So, based on some super-unscientific guesswork, I think I can happily say that the number of Python programmers in the world is in the low millions.

What do you think? Are there other ways of working this out that I've missed? Does anyone have (gasp!) hard numbers?

A super-simple chat app with AngularJS, SockJS and node.js

Posted on 12 February 2013 in JavaScript, Programming, PythonAnywhere |

We're planning to move to a more advanced JavaScript library at PythonAnywhere. jQuery has been good for us, but we're rapidly reaching a stage where it's just not enough.

There are a whole bunch of JavaScript MVC frameworks out there that look tempting -- see TodoMVC for an implementation of a simple app in a bunch of them. We're asking the people we know and trust which ones are best, but in the meantime I had a look at AngularJS and knocked up a quick chat app to see how easy it would be. The answer was "very".

Here's the client-side code:

<html ng-app>
<script src="http://cdn.sockjs.org/sockjs-0.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.0.4/angular.min.js"></script>

    var sock = new SockJS('');
    function ChatCtrl($scope) {
        $scope.messages = [];
        $scope.sendMessage = function() {
            $scope.messageText = "";

        sock.onmessage = function(e) {



<div ng-controller="ChatCtrl">
        <li ng-repeat="message in messages">{{message}}</li>

    <form ng-submit="sendMessage()">
        <input type="text" ng-model="messageText" placeholder="Type your message here" />
        <input type="submit" value="Send" />


Then on the server side I wrote this server (in node.js because I've moved to Shoreditch and have ironic facial hair it was easy to copy, paste and hack from the SockJS docs -- I'd use Tornado if this was on PythonAnywhere):

var http = require('http');
var sockjs = require('sockjs');

var connections = [];

var chat = sockjs.createServer();
chat.on('connection', function(conn) {
    var number = connections.length;
    conn.write("Welcome, User " + number);
    conn.on('data', function(message) {
        for (var ii=0; ii < connections.length; ii++) {
            connections[ii].write("User " + number + " says: " + message);
    conn.on('close', function() {
        for (var ii=0; ii < connections.length; ii++) {
            connections[ii].write("User " + number + " has disconnected");

var server = http.createServer();
chat.installHandlers(server, {prefix:'/chat'});
server.listen(9999, '');

And that's it! It basically does everything you need from a simple chat app. Definitely quite impressed with AngularJS. I'll try it in some of the other frameworks we evaluate and post more here.

Reverse proxying HTTP and WebSockets with virtual hosts using nginx and tcp_proxy_module

Posted on 5 October 2012 in Programming, PythonAnywhere |

I spent today trying to work out how we could get PythonAnywhere to support WebSockets in our users' web applications. This is a brief summary of what I found, I'll put it in a proper post on the PythonAnywhere blog sometime soon...

We use nginx, and it can happily route HTTP requests through to uwsgi applications (which is the way we use it) and can even more happily route them through to other socket-based servers running on specific ports (which we don't use but will in the future so that we can support Twisted, Tornado, and so on -- once we've got network namespacing sorted).

But by default, nginx does not support reverse proxying WebSockets requests. There are various solutions to this posted around the net, but they don't explain how to get it working with virtual hosts. I think that this is because they're all a bit old, because it's actually quite easy once you know how.

(It's worth mentioning that there are lots of cool non-nginx solutions using excellent stuff like haproxy and hipache. I'd really like to upgrade our infrastructure to use one of those two. But not now, we all too recently moved from Apache to nginx and I'm scared of big infrastructure changes in the short term. Lots of small ones, that's the way forward...)

Anyway, let's cut to the chase. This excellent blog post by Johnathan Leppert explains how to configure nginx to do TCP proxying. TCP proxying is enough to get WebSockets working if you don't care about virtual hosts -- but because arbitrary TCP connections don't necessarily have a Host: header, it can't work if you do care about them.

However, since the post was written, the nginx plugin module Johnathan uses has been improved so that it now supports WebSocket proxying with virtual hosts.

To get nginx to successfully reverse-proxy WebSockets with virtual host support, compile Nginx with tcp_proxy_module as per Johnathan's instructions (I've bumped the version to the latest stable as of today):

export NGINX_VERSION=1.2.4
curl -O http://nginx.org/download/nginx-$NGINX_VERSION.tar.gz
git clone https://github.com/yaoweibin/nginx_tcp_proxy_module.git
tar -xvzf nginx-$NGINX_VERSION.tar.gz
patch -p1 < ../nginx_tcp_proxy_module/tcp.patch
./configure --add-module=../nginx_tcp_proxy_module/
sudo make && make install

Then, to use the new WebSockets support in tcpproxymodule, put something like this in your nginx config:

worker_processes  1;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

tcp {
    upstream site1 {

        check interval=3000 rise=2 fall=5 timeout=1000;

    server {
        server_name site1.com;

        tcp_nodelay on;
        websocket_pass site1;

tcp {
    upstream site2 {

        check interval=3000 rise=2 fall=5 timeout=1000;

    server {
        server_name site2.com;

        tcp_nodelay on;
        websocket_pass site2;

Hopefully that's enough to help a few people googling around for help like I was this morning. Leave a comment if you have any questions!

Raspberry Pi setup notes part 1: getting the display to work!

Posted on 20 June 2012 in Raspberry Pi |

I received my Raspberry Pi yesterday, and today got it working well enough to display a text-based console on a DVI monitor using Arch Linux. There were a few hiccups along the way, so here are the complete notes so that anyone googling for the same errors as the ones I saw can benefit from my experience.

tl;dr: the file /boot/config.txt sets up various things before the OS is loaded, including HDMI settings. The one in the Arch Linux SD card image didn't work with my machine setup. The system default, which you can get just by removing that file completely, worked just fine.

Here are the details showing how I got to that...

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Running Django unit tests on PythonAnywhere

Posted on 21 May 2012 in Programming, PythonAnywhere |

I was working on a side project today, a Django app hosted at PythonAnywhere. While writing some initial unit tests, I discovered a confusing bug. When you try to run the tests for your app, you get an error message creating the database (for the avoidance of doubt, USERNAME was my PA username):

18:57 ~/somewhere (master)$ ./manage.py test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Got an error creating the test database: (1044, "Access denied for user 'USERNAME'@'%' to database 'test_USERNAME$default'")
Type 'yes' if you would like to try deleting the test database 'test_USERNAME$default', or 'no' to cancel: no
Tests cancelled.

The problem is that PythonAnywhere users don't have the privileges to create the database test_USERNAME$default (whose name Django's unit testing framework has auto-generated from the USERNAME$default that is the DB name in settings.py). PA only allows you to create new databases from its web interface, and also only allows you to create databases that are prefixed with your-username$

After a bit of thought, I realised that you can work around the problem by setting TEST_NAME in settings.py to point to a specific new database (say, USERNAME$unittest) and then creating a DB of that name from the MySQL tab. Once you've done that, you run the tests again; you get an error like this:

19:02 ~/somewhere (master)$ ./manage.py test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Got an error creating the test database: (1007, "Can't create database 'USERNAME$unittest'; database exists")
Type 'yes' if you would like to try deleting the test database 'USERNAME$unittest', or 'no' to cancel:

You just enter "yes", and it will drop then recreate the database. This works, because when you created it from the MySQL page, the settings were set up correctly for you to be able to create and drop it again in the future. Once this has been done once, tests run just fine in the future, with no DB errors.

Obviously we'll be fixing this behaviour in the future (though I can't offhand see how...). But there's the workaround, anyway.

New business idea

Posted on 10 April 2012 in Rants |

So, here's the plan. We write an iPhone app. iPhone-only, no Android. It's a simple social network, adding friends and chatting and sharing photos and all that crap. The cool thing is, it monitors your location. If you ever spend more than 50% of one week outside Shoreditch in London, the East Village in New York, or SoMa in San Francisco, it kicks you out -- you can never log in again. Once a week, it asks you a question about post-1900 conceptual art or artisan food vendors in your area. If you get it wrong, it kicks you out. Every day you have to take a photo of yourself, and other users get to vote on your outfit/fixed-gear bike/ironic facial hair. If you get less than a 50% approval rating, it kicks you out. Finally, the app comes with a guarantee that if the company's ever bought by Facebook, 10% of the purchase price goes to its few remaining members.

Who's with me? What should we call it?


Posted on 27 February 2012 in Programming, Python, PythonAnywhere, Resolver Systems |

We recently added something cool to PythonAnywhere, our Python online IDE and web hosting environment -- if you're writing a tutorial, or anything else where you'd find a Python console useful in a web page, you can use one of ours! Check it out:

What's particularly cool about these consoles (apart from the fact that they advertise the world's best Python IDE-in-a-browser) is that they keep the session data on a per-client basis -- so, if you put one on multiple pages of your tutorial, the user's previous state is kept as they navigate from page to page! The downside (or is it an upside?) is that this state is also kept from site to site, so if they go from your page to someone else's, they'll have the state they had when they were trying out yours.

Bug or feature? Let me know what you think in the comments...