OpenCL: .NET, C# and Resolver One integration -- the very beginnings

Posted on 18 March 2010 in GPU Computing, Python, Resolver One, TIL deep dives |

Today I wrote the code required to call part of the OpenCL API from Resolver One; just one function so far, and all it does is get some information about your hardware setup, but it was great to get it working. There are already .NET bindings for OpenCL, but I felt that it was worthwhile reinventing the wheel -- largely as a way of making sure I understood every spoke, but also because I wanted the simplest possible API, with no extra code to make it more .NETty. It should also work as an example of how you can integrate a C library into a .NET/IronPython application like Resolver One.

I'll be documenting the whole thing when it's a bit more finished, but if you want to try out the work in progress, and are willing to build the interop code, here's how:

That should be it! If you want to look at the code, the only important bit is in DotNetOpenCL.cs -- and it's simply an external method definition... the tricky bit was in working out which OpenCL function to write an external definition for, and what that definition should look like.

I've put a slightly tidied version of the notes I kept as I implemented this below, for posterity's sake; if you're interested in finding out how the implementation went, read on...

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OpenCL: first investigations with an NVIDIA card

Posted on 24 February 2010 in GPU Computing, TIL deep dives |

I'm taking a look at OpenCL at the moment, with the vague intention of hooking it up to Resolver One. In case you've not heard about it, OpenCL is a language that allows you to do non-graphical computing on your graphics card (GPU). Because GPUs have more raw computational power than even modern CPUs, in the form of a large number of relatively slow stream processors, this can speed up certain kinds of calculations -- in particular, those that are amenable to massive parallelisation.

Until recently, the two main graphics card manufacturers had their own languages for this kind of general-purpose GPU computing; NVIDIA had CUDA, and ATI/AMD had their Stream technology. OpenCL was created as a way of having one language that would work on all graphics cards, so although the tools for developing using it are not currently as good as those for CUDA (which has been around for a long time and has great support), as a longer-term investment OpenCL looks to me like the best one to be looking at.

It took a little bit of work to get something up and running on my machine here at work, so it's probably worth documenting to help others who are trying the same.

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