3D graphics in Resolver One using OpenGL and Tao, part II: an orrery

Posted on 17 September 2009 in 3D, Python, Resolver One |

In my last post about animated 3D graphics in Resolver One (the souped-up spreadsheet the company I work for makes), I showed a bouncing, spinning cube controlled by the numbers in a worksheet. Here's something more sophisticated: a 3D model of the planets in our solar system, also know as an orrery (click the image for video):

3D stuff:

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3D graphics in Resolver One using OpenGL and Tao, part I

Posted on 9 September 2009 in 3D, Resolver One |

I've been playing around with 3D graphics recently, and decided to find out what could be done using .NET from inside Resolver One. (If you haven't heard of Resolver One, it's a spreadsheet made by the company I work for -- think of it as Excel on steroids :-)

I was quite pleased at what I managed with a few hours' work (click the image for video):

3D stuff

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