Best. Video. Ever.

Posted on 20 November 2008 in Funny, Memes, Quick links, Robotics |

Cats and robots. What more does a meme need?

Book meme

Posted on 13 November 2008 in Memes |

Via the unofficial planet python, specifically Grig Gheorghiu:

Here's mine, from A Vertical Empire by C. N. Hill (a history of the british space programme):

"All this wrangling cannot have helped the progress at Saunders Roe, or the prospect of trying to sell it to the German Air Force."

Meh. Not terribly exciting. I should have gone for the cool book :-)

A bit of fun

Posted on 29 September 2008 in Memes, Personal, Python, JavaScript, C |

This week's unofficial meme on the Unofficial Planet Python seems to be to name the programming languages you've learned. Here's Eric Florenzano's list (hat tip) -- it looks like the meme was started by Corey Goldberg -- and here's my list:

Hmm. It looks like I've slowed down. Time to pick up that Erlang tutorial again...