Best. Video. Ever.

Posted on 20 November 2008 in Funny, Memes, Quick links, Robotics |

Cats and robots. What more does a meme need?

I came for the article, I stayed for the comments

Posted on 9 October 2008 in Finance, Quick links |

An OK but somewhat oversimplified post on short selling leads to a fascinating discussion on the topic from market practitioners. Well worth reading to the end, you'll wind up holding at least two irrefutable but mutually contradictory opinions about the issue...

Making a fool of yourself in public

Posted on 6 May 2008 in Personal, Startups, Quick links, Musings |

On the Business of Software Blog, Neil Davidson recommends using your fear of making yourself look stupid by failing publicly as a way to motivate yourself to work as hard as you need to work on your startup. Sounds right to me. When I was in my early 20s I saw the mortality rates for smokers and decided that I would give up at the age of 30. In order to make sure that I stuck to that, over the years I told pretty much every one of my friends that I was going to quit then, which meant that I really could not back down. The result is that on the night of my 30th birthday party I quit, and (bar one or two particularly drunken evenings) I've not touched a cigarette since.


Posted on 11 November 2006 in Quick links |

I knew that these odd random colon-separated thingies in my /etc/hosts were IPv6 addresses of some sort, but it was good to find something that explains them clearly (update: link now sadly dead).