
Posted on 29 October 2008 in Blogkeeping

In early 2007, I had a nasty DB issue on my web server and (I thought) lost the first year or so's worth of posts to -- including the history of my attempts to automate my backups using s3sync, which are inexplicably popular :-). Even worse, the subsequent restarting of post IDs meant that Google Reader stopped noticing updates to the website, leading to a number of readers thinking I'd gone quiet.

Today, I found an old backup, and I've managed to merge it in with the recent posts -- so hopefully all of these problems are now fixed. There's a risk that some RSS readers might mark a lot of old posts "unread", so apologies if it looked to you like I'd just made a few dozen new posts.

All should be well now.

[Update] I've checked Google Reader and it looks like posts are feeding through again. w00t!