A somewhat indirect way of reporting stolen cards to the bank

Posted on 6 February 2022 in PythonAnywhere, Startups

One of the interesting things about having a business that accepts cards on the Internet is seeing what odd things people do when trying to use your site. A case in point is someone we've noticed over the last few months, who appears to be using our site as a rather indirect way to report stolen cards.

The behaviour that we see is that they run some kind of script that signs up for a bunch of accounts, with randomly-generated usernames, and then try to upgrade them all using stolen card numbers.

Naturally, our fraud-prevention systems pick that up pretty much immediately, and we run our own script that identifies every account that they've created, finds the card details used for them, and reports every transaction and attempted transaction as fraudulent. This means that our payment processor, Stripe, can flag the card numbers as stolen, so that they can't be used elsewhere without triggering fraud alerts to the other merchants. And, if a charge actually goes through (most of the cards tend to be pre-paid with no money on them, so most charges fail), then we refund it as fraudulent, which not only notifies Stripe, but I believe notifies the bank that the card number is circulating amongst card fraudsters.

Now, the fact that we do this should be obvious to them. Every time they run their scripts, it causes a minor inconvenience to us (the scripts that we have to handle the problem are getting ever-simpler to use), and it means that every card that they tried on our site is now significantly less valuable as an asset to them. They're essentially paying money for lists of stolen card numbers, and then burning it up.

Given that we're doing this, and they must know that we're doing it, the only explanation I can think of is that they're actually running some kind of strange public service where they buy lists of stolen card details and then get them blocked. It does seem a very roundabout way to do it, though. Surely it would be easier to just tell the banks directly?

But perhaps there's something I'm missing.

Or perhaps they really are dim enough to be using us to check stolen cards for validity, and haven't yet noticed that doing so against a site that reports every fraudulent transaction to the card processor is not a terribly good idea...